
Monuments & Grave Markers

Cemetery Plots for Sale

FYI - buying a grave marker, monument, or stone in Spartanburg, Boiling Springs, Inman, Roebuck or the Upstate? 

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE YOUR MARKER FROM THE CEMETERY YOUR LOVED ONE IS BURIED IN! We have every option available at a reasonable and affordable price. 

How does Dunbar Funeral Home differ from local monument companies or cemeteries? 


You are assisted by people you already know and trust, who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you with your every need.


We are able to purchase markers/monuments at wholesale prices and pass the savings on to you.


We can arrange a helpful meeting to answer any questions you might have. We can meet with you in the privacy of our funeral home, or even in the comfort of your own home.


We have many designs from which you may choose. We can also duplicate an existing design, offering you the best possible selection.

What should I consider when looking at a monument?

When purchasing a monument for yourself or someone you love, it is important to consider the design of the monument. Although color and type of granite used are the most general considerations, you should think about what you would like to appear on the monument.

Like funeral services, monuments reflect the life of your loved ones. There are numerous options available, whether it be photographs, etchings, or a favorite saying. Our experienced staff can help you create a unique and beautiful memorial.

It should be noted that some cemeteries have restrictions regarding the size and type monument that may be used, and we can help you work within these guidelines to ensure that your wishes are met.

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